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Use SEO To Supercharge Your Content Marketing

Optimising content to appeal to potential customers and also enhance your site’s search rank is an essential marketing strategy in the digital era. If you need to give your content marketing a shot in the arm, these are the tips to follow.

Quality and Consistency

To make the biggest impact, the content you publish not only has to be new and compelling in the way it is researched and written, it also needs to form part of a regular form of updates. You cannot afford to let your publishing schedule stagnate or lie fallow for too long, as Google’s algorithms will pick up on this inactivity and your ability to rank will begin to diminish.

As well as benefiting SEO, a fresh flow of high quality content will keep visitors coming back for more and should boost your traffic over time, while curbing your bounce rate as more people are hooked on their first visit.

If you are looking for advice then SEO Dublin agency Ryco and other Dublin SEO firms will be able to furnish you with the facts and tune your site to make the most of your content.

Immediate Impact

The best way to grab the attention of a casual browser is with a headline that connects with their interests and intrigues them enough to earn a click. Achieving this requires a balance between being concise and being able to get across your message in an appealing way, which can be tricky.

A headline can be optimised through the inclusion of keywords, although this is something that should also be carried out with care. You want to avoid the temptation to over-sensationalise headlines in a way that makes it impossible for the actual content to live up to the hype.

Image Integration

Images are often more engaging than plain chunks of text, which is why Instagram has become more successful than Twitter. Images can also work their magic on your content, if you use them in the right way.

The images you pick need to be vibrant, relevant to the content and not so generic that they will make your site look like every other rival out there at the moment. This will generate more traffic for your site and improve your search rank, making it an SEO tool to harness.

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